The Matrix Awards journal and visual identity
Established in 1929, New York Women in Communications (NYWICI) stands as the foremost organization for female professionals within the communication industry. With a legacy spanning 95 years, this not-for-profit association boasts a membership of over 2,500 individuals, across diverse communications disciplines. From journalism and broadcasting to corporate communications, digital media, publishing, advertising, integrated marketing, photography, public relations, graphic design, and beyond, NYWICI serves as a unifying force for women in various facets of the field.
Notably, NYWICI takes pride in hosting the Matrix Awards, an esteemed event dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the extraordinary achievements of women in communications. In 2020, NYWICI marked a significant milestone by hosting the 50th edition of the Matrix Awards, a testament to its enduring commitment to championing the success of women. The annual Matrix Awards is a moment to honor these outstanding leaders and celebrate all the courageous women who have come before them and those who will come after.
The first step was to conceive an art direction for the Matrix Awards journal that could then be used throughout the awards ceremony branding. Achieving a cohesive creative direction that encapsulates the diversity of the women and their career paths, and subsequently integrating it into the visual identity of the awards ceremonies, proved to be a challenging endeavor. Our goal was to craft a body of art for the journal that would resonate universally with women in all communication careers. The added significance of celebrating the 50th anniversary heightened the stakes, introducing an extra layer of pressure. As our creative direction took shape, the looming pandemic posed a constant threat to both our timelines and deliverables. It became evident as we neared the project’s completion that we needed to adapt all elements of this creative vision to allow for the creation of various digital mediums, including video elements and speaker backgrounds, ensuring a visually compelling and emotionally resonant experience for what would become the first remote engagement in Matrix history.
At the core of my vision was the integration of vibrant illustrations, vividly portraying the diverse spectrum of communications careers that women engage in globally. Collaborating with an exceptional illustrator, she brought forth intricate floral designs, imbuing the artwork with both opulence and sophistication. Each illustration, capturing different facets of women’s contributions to communications, not only held visual allure but also resonated emotionally. Despite unforeseen hurdles, the 50th-anniversary Matrix Awards retained its significance, and our artistic contributions played a pivotal role in delivering a memorable and impactful experience for the audience, triumphing over the unexpected challenges posed by the global pandemic.